As teachers we are natually busy. We have not only our curriculum to teach, but we take on the added roles of classroom guidance counselor, technology problem solver, photocopier, mediator, etc. Then there are the endless committees, focus groups, and work teams that administrators ask teachers to be a part of. And somewhere amongst all of this is the lesson planning and grading assessments. How to right it all in? Learn to say “no”. Learning to say “no” is actually one of the top skills veteran teachers recommend new teachers learn and learn fast.
Unfortunately many teachers have difficulty saying “no”. They want to be viewed as a team player. One piece of advice that may help is to consider your “why”. Why did you become a teacher? Why are you teaching the subject and/or grade level you teach? Keeping your focus sharp and clean will help you to say no to requests that move you away from your goals and more towards busy work.
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